As a math tutor of middle school & high school students, when the first grades of the school year
are posted, I receive a lot of phone calls. One of the most common requests that I receive as a tutor is Eureka Math homework help. Parents contact me because they and their child are feeling frustrated and stressed. Primarily, they are struggling to help their child with their math homework. Prior to middle school math, most parents have been able to sit down with their child at the kitchen table, look over the homework, and show them how to work out the problems. However, when Eureka Math became the curriculum, the work at the kitchen table began to stop.
Eureka encourages a lot of new ways of thinking, and challenges students in ways they have never been challenged. It is a rigorous, deep-thinking program that challenges students to be creative problem solvers.
Usually, the most common complaint I hear from parents is,
“I don’t get it. It’s not the way I did it in school"
meaning the methods presented in class are not the same procedures as the traditional algorithms for solving.
Since parents didn't learn math the way Eureka teaches it. There are resources to ensure parents are more confident with helping during homework time and more comfortable with this new type of learning.
I would like to share a couple of tips and tricks that I have learned along the way about the Eureka Math curriculum.
Top 5 Eureka Math Tips for Parents
If you have the time to do the research on the Eureka curriculum, it is on the World Wide Web. The most useful site is EngageNY. Engage NY has everything you want or need to know about Eureka Math (https://www.engageny.org). Go to the common core tab to search for the curriculum by grades. However, if you don’t want to spend the time, trying to figure it out, call me -Mary Iverstine Tutor 9016470858 or go to my website @ maryiverstine.com and sign up for a free consultation.
These letters are typically sent out by the school and outline the concepts for the current modules.These topic-level Tip Sheets provide tips for how parents can support learning at home, and explain the strategies/models and vocabulary used in the curriculum. Available in English and Spanish for Grades K-8. If you do not receive these letters from your school, they are available online through this link: PARENT LETTERS.
These grade-level books provide step-by-step explanations of how (and why!) to work problems similar to those found in their child's homework. There is a Homework Helper to go with every homework assignment in Eureka Math. Available for Grades K-12.
They are available through this link: HOMEWORK HELPERS
These resources explain what their child will be studying in the coming year and provide strategies that they can employ to facilitate learning outside of the classroom. These are a great way to bridge the gap between how math was once taught and the techniques used in Eureka Math. Available in English and Spanish for Grades K-7.
They are available through this link: GRADE ROADMAPS
These Eureka Math card games are intended to help build fluency in math in a fun and engaging way. Here you will find the rules and instructions for a wide range of mathematics skills games using our Eureka Math deck or any standard deck of playing cards.
They are available through this link: CARD GAMES
The best way to get better at any math skill is to practice. It takes someone between 15 and 30 repetitions, to master a skill.
I can help you get ready for Algebra!!!
Interested in algebra tutoring services? Learn more about how Mary helps students complete their math homework with more confidence, increase their algebra and geometry test scores, and reduce their stress and anxiety towards mathematics.
Mary Iverstine specializes in tutoring algebra and geometry to students in middle school and high school. When Mary is not tutoring students or studying mathematics, she loves to spend time with her husband, two children and two dogs.